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IT Company Boosta turns 10 years old!

May 31, 2024

IT Company Boosta turns 10 years old! 10 years of incredible achievements. 10 years of teamwork. 10 years of unforgettable moments. On May 31, ...

Useful publications for young entrepreneurs, news about technology, Internet business, startups, careers - in English daily for you.

“UaSpectr. Publications for Young Entrepreneurs” was founded in 2018 as a resource for modern and progressive young people who want to be aware of important Ukrainian and world news in the field of technology, the Internet, startups, business and entrepreneurship.

Our team of journalists works with authors and bloggers around the world, we are always looking for smart, informative and interesting content on a range of topics relevant to our audience. We are driven by a desire to see a boom in Ukrainian small business and want to provide young entrepreneurs with the ideas, inspiration and stories they need to succeed.

Our goal is to inspire the youth of Ukraine to develop themselves and show that we, young Ukrainians, are the engine of the future, that we are the creators of our history.